Friday, September 30, 2011

4 Months Stats (and a video!)

We had our 4 month doctors appointment today, a little late but who's in a rush to get shots anyways! Good news on the shots is that he took them like a champ. Bad news is, it still sucked to watch my poor little baby have to go through that :-(

Weight: 14 lbs 1.5 oz (50th percentile)
Height: 24 1/8 inches long (50th percentile)
Head: I can't remember! I'm horrible...but he was in the 40th percentile for whatever his head circumference is.

Doctor said he looks great and that we can start him on rice cereal whenever we want. So guess what we're doing tomorrow?!?! Taking Lily to the park!!! What? She deserves it! But I think we'll get some rice cereal for Maddox too.

We've had more days than I would like recently that have been filled with more tears and less smiles. Not sure what is going on, but I do feel like I need to give him some kind of break seeing as he's been drug across Texas and then across the United States by plane and car in the past 3 weeks. Just doing all I can to make sure my happy little baby comes back, and the screamer (oh yes, he's finally found his lungs) goes into hibernation.

We have reached one milestone in this 4 months, he finally rolled over! Granted he's only done it twice, BUT, and this is the most important thing....I caught it on VIDEO! If I were you I would listen to this with the volume OFF. Just a warning that there is a lot of screechy Mommy voice and not a lot of cute baby voice.

I will work on a post about Indiana. We had so much fun and we were sad to leave. Everyday I wish that Indiana and Texas were just a little bit closer....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

4 Months!

I was just telling someone Maddox's birth story the other day and I thought to myself. It seems like that was just yesterday, but it also seems like that was so long ago! Its true what they say, you can't remember what your life was like before you had a baby, and it doesn't matter anyway because it definitely wasn't this good!

We've been so busy the past few weeks and Maddox and I leave tomorrow for Indiana. I bet he will be so happy when September is over! 

This past week we were in Horseshoe Bay, Tx for Uncle Mark and Aunt Jackie's wedding. Silly me, only took my nice camera, which is good for taking nice photos, but bad for carrying around because it weighs a few pounds. Needless to say I didn't take a lot of photos :-( Their wedding photographer was awesome though and she was at the rehearsal dinner and wedding so she has tons of photos! She already posted a few on her blog the puppy is my nephew cute is he?!?

I figured we better take some 4 month photos before we head out again, so here they are! He's getting so big and his personality is getting even bigger!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Go Purdue!

Even though we LOST to Rice...its ok, we still love Purdue. And we love the fact that Maddox got to attend his very first Purdue football game in his home city! Who would have thought!

Unfortunately the weather didn't cooporate. It had been so nice all week and then Saturday got up to 100 again. Needless to say, Maddox and I stayed at the game for almost the first quarter and then I got that little hot baby outta there! Thankfully Papa Ron was at the game too, so Daddy got to stay and watch Purdue lose to Rice. 

We did snap a couple of quick photos before we left though.

And I have to say, I was so impressed by all the Purdue fans at the game. I would say there were just as many Purdue people there as Rice fans. It almost felt like we were back in college, and then I realized that I was at the game, not wasted, not in a breakfast club outfit, with a baby strapped to my chest and that brought me back to reality ;-)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Maddox Laughs!!

So we got our very first real laugh today! Lily was barking at our back door and it was echoing. Jeff and I were trying to figure out what it was echoing off of because it doesn't usually do that when she barks. So Jeff started barking. Which in turn got Lily excited and she started jumping around and THAT is what caused the laughter from Mr. Maddox :-) Who would have thought it would be Lily that would get him going..ha!  We did catch a little bit of it on video, because surprisingly he was still laughing at them even after taking a break to set up the video camera.

And before you watch the video, just know, you do silly things when you have a baby!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What we've been up to

A whole lot!

This past weekend was Aunt Jackie's Bachelorette party in Austin. Aunt Angie came to Houston on Thursday so we got to spend even more time with her..yay!

We packed everyone up, including Lily, and that's a lot of stuff. I'm not joking, we had to take our car carrier on top...for the weekend! Thankfully my best friend Amanda lives in Austin so taking a baby, my husband and our dog to a bachelorette party wasn't as bad as it sounds.

Lily had the freaking time of her life! Amanda and her boyfriend have Layla, a lab mix puppy that is just under a year old. It was so weird to see Lily as the older dog! Layla wanted to play non stop and Lily wanted to take breaks in between. I DO NOT feel bad for Lily though. a) she has been that non stop playing dog for three years b) she needs to lose some weight..haha!

Jeff had a pretty awesome weekend with Eric & Amanda. He drank lots of craft beers and ate lots of delicious Austin food, watched football and soccer and played with the dogs. Sounds like pretty much a guys weekend if you ask me.

I drug Maddox around with me to some bachelorette festivities. He hung out with the gurrrls on Saturday afternoon at the hotel, lunch and back at the hotel and I left him with Daddy on both Friday and Saturday nights while we went out with Jackie for dinner and drinks.

It was a fun and exhausting weekend! Mondays are always our chill out at home day and both Maddox and I needed it. Lots of naps were had by all on Monday.

So I'm a loser and remembered my camera while we were driving through Sealy (a little far to turn around) so I don't have any pictures from the weekend. Here are some random ones that I've never posted though!