Thursday, September 1, 2011

What we've been up to

A whole lot!

This past weekend was Aunt Jackie's Bachelorette party in Austin. Aunt Angie came to Houston on Thursday so we got to spend even more time with her..yay!

We packed everyone up, including Lily, and that's a lot of stuff. I'm not joking, we had to take our car carrier on top...for the weekend! Thankfully my best friend Amanda lives in Austin so taking a baby, my husband and our dog to a bachelorette party wasn't as bad as it sounds.

Lily had the freaking time of her life! Amanda and her boyfriend have Layla, a lab mix puppy that is just under a year old. It was so weird to see Lily as the older dog! Layla wanted to play non stop and Lily wanted to take breaks in between. I DO NOT feel bad for Lily though. a) she has been that non stop playing dog for three years b) she needs to lose some weight..haha!

Jeff had a pretty awesome weekend with Eric & Amanda. He drank lots of craft beers and ate lots of delicious Austin food, watched football and soccer and played with the dogs. Sounds like pretty much a guys weekend if you ask me.

I drug Maddox around with me to some bachelorette festivities. He hung out with the gurrrls on Saturday afternoon at the hotel, lunch and back at the hotel and I left him with Daddy on both Friday and Saturday nights while we went out with Jackie for dinner and drinks.

It was a fun and exhausting weekend! Mondays are always our chill out at home day and both Maddox and I needed it. Lots of naps were had by all on Monday.

So I'm a loser and remembered my camera while we were driving through Sealy (a little far to turn around) so I don't have any pictures from the weekend. Here are some random ones that I've never posted though!

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