Baby's length: 14 1/2 inches
Baby's weight: 2 lbs!
Movements: He's moving and a groovin' in there! I love to feel him move :)
Cravings: I wouldn't say this a craving but I've eaten my fair share of Girl Scout Cookies this past week. Is it bad that I really wanted some today, but didn't want to open them for fear I'd have to share them with my husband and brother-in-law?
Pregnancy issues: According to this week I might start to get some lower back pain. Yea right, try like 26 weeks ago!
What I miss about not being pregnant: Not going to the rodeo cook-off. I mean I could still go, but it wouldn't be near as fun if I couldn't drink beer and eat brisket while I was there! And the smell of brisket makes me want to hurl right now. And most people frown upon a pregnant chick drinking beer.
I've got a super busy week this week. Jury duty tomorrow (how exciting!) work all week, and on Thursday I leave for INDIANA! For my very first baby shower! I can't wait to be home for awhile, even if it is just the weekend. I have no idea what to pack though, for the past few weeks down here its been shorts and flip flop weather. Do I need my snow boots for Indiana??
I realize that I haven't posted a belly photo in a few weeks. Its not that I haven't wanted to, but I just don't remember to have Jeff take one. And its a little hard to take it yourself when your camera weighs a few pounds. But apparently, even if you have a very nice, expensive camera and lens, that doesn't mean that all of your photos are going to turn out well. My loving husband took a few shots tonight and here are the best ones.
Sister moon, you've got your work cut out for you this weekend if you want to top these two gems!
Challenge accepted.