Thursday, January 19, 2012

8 Months

8 Months down....and I'm starting to THINK about first birthday party. Can you believe it? Not too much longer and we're going to have a ONE year old.

What is new? Probably a lot of things that I will forget. We had a super busy past month. We were in Indiana for 2 1/2 weeks, then when Maddox and I got home Jeff was gone for 6 days skiing in Taos. Being a single parent is tough, big props to those of you that do it 24/7. I found myself some days counting down the minutes to bedtime (and feeling like a horrible Mom while doing it!)

While Jeff was gone we kept ourselves busy with play dates with Jackson and we visited our friends Matt and Kayleigh who have Hadley and one on the way. In hindsight its too bad we were so busy with all our visiting because the day after we were at Kayleigh's house Maddox got this huge blister on his belly. I thought it was weird and decided to just keep an eye on it. A few hours later I noticed another blister, so of course I went to trusty 'ole Google and searched "blister on baby tummy". I found an article that listed 11 different common childhood rashes and came to the conclusion that it must be hives. That is until more of them started popping up, and popping up fast! Seriously, every time I looked at him he would have a new one. They were mainly on his tummy, back and a few on his head. By this time I had the thought in my head, could it be possible, that my 8 month old has chicken pox?? I revisited the article I read earlier and yes, it did sound possible. I called my Mom, sent her a picture and she agreed with me. I called the doctor the next day and took him in. When our doctor walked into the room and asked what was wrong and I told him I thought Maddox had chicken pox, he literally looked at me like I was crazy and said "No one gets chicken pox anymore" He took a look at Maddox and then stood up asked me to give him a second, he needed to get a second opinion because he'd actually never seen the chicken pox (for you old timers, every kid gets the chicken pox vaccine at 12 months now days) He's in practice with his dad, so his dad came in, looked Maddox over and said "Yep, its chicken pox!" They were both pretty surprised. They said they maybe get one case a year, so of course, the one case for this year had to by my baby. I told them not to be surprised if they end up with another one since Jackson sees the same doctor! So far no bumps for J, fingers crossed, since those two boys like to share pacifiers.

So we've had a super boring week, quarantined in our house. You would think I would take this opportunity to clean, but I just can't seem to get in the groove! 

I did take his 8 month photos in his chair and he wasn't really interested. He was way more interested in banging the blocks together rather than smiling for the camera :-) 

He loves his Lily Belle.

P.S. Check out those pox!

He loves to play with toys now. I remember those days when I thought he would never be interested in anything and now he wants anything and everything he gets his hands on!

I think its pretty hilarious, I give him a basket full of toys and he digs through it! I crack up everything I see him digging.

Oh, don't mind me, I'm just standing on my own for like a full minute. My parents are freaking crazy and they're going nuts. Whatevs....

So it might be time to lower the mattress!

"I'm so over this baby," Lily Belle

I also come into his room to find this sometimes.

Trying to pet Lily

We are spending more time in his room nowadays. He likes it up there. Especially being stuck in the house we have to just have a change of scenery at different points of the day.

He is also talking up a storm. I hear A LOT of dada and by a lot I mean all day everyday. Is it too much to ask for a mama thrown in there? I kid! 

We had to make new friends since we're contagious.

I might have forgotten to mention that he is CRAWLING now! A post to come on that later, this one is just too long already! I feel like my life has just changed drastically and we'll have to change our whole routine. Although with a baby I've come to find out that once you have a routine established it seems to change!

Adios until next time y'all!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Christmas #3

Whoa...almost done with Christmas posts!

We traveled to Indiana for Christmas, like we do every year, only this year I flew with Maddox and Jeff drove with Lily. We decided that would be best for everyone :-) I feel like I got the better bargain since Maddox is such a good flyer! As an extra bonus, on our flight up to Indy it was not full so Maddox and I got a row to ourselves. He got his very own seat which he was very excited about. 

The first couple of nights we stayed with my brother and sister-in-law in Indianapolis. They have a dog, Colt, so Lily was in heaven! Maddox loved being around everyone (once he got over the shock of so many unfamiliar faces) 

Mark and Jackie were so excited to give Maddox his Christmas presents he got one the second night we were there.

Of course Uncle Mark would get something basketball related. I guess he's trying to train him early!

We then headed down to my Mom's house in my hometown. We were down there a few days before my brother and sister were able to come down, its so silly that not everyone can take off 2 weeks at Christmas time!

So my Mom redid her bathroom a few years ago and got rid of her bathtub. AND we actually have a baby bathtub in Indiana, but my sister is in the process of building a house and they have a lot of stuff in storage and the bathtub just happened to be one of those things. So....we improvised, and MD got redneck baths while we were there ;-)

I'm not going lie, he pretty much loved taking a bath in that thing. By the end of the trip it was impossible to give him a bath without him pulling up to a standing position every second. Oh yea, did I forget to mention that we have a STANDER now?!?! We do!

While we were in town I got together with some of my girlfriends from high school. We get together every year for a Christmas party. This year we had a few extra guests! 4 of us had babies this past year.

Marshall - 10 Months, Maddox - 7 Months, Eli - 2 Months, Haylin -1 WEEK!

It was pretty fun! Maddox was very interested in Marshall, and he could not figure out why those other babies kept crying. Our friend Lori was a trooper for coming just 1 week after giving birth. I can only imagine how crazy next year is going to be, holy moly!!

Amanda's husband Sean was on baby duty!

Its so nice being at my Mom's house. We just do a lot of hanging out, spending time together. Playing games. This year a lot of our time was spent just watching Maddox. He went through a little withdrawl being home, when he didn't have at least 4 pairs of eyes watching him at all times.

We had our Christmas on Christmas Eve morning because my sister and her husband travel to his families houses on Christmas this always makes it a little less hectic for them. And it doesn't really matter what day you celebrate anyway!

MD made out! I'm pretty sure leading up to Christmas he opened at least one present per day and he still had presents to open up on Christmas morning! It ended up being a good thing that he had opened up quite a few beforehand because he got tired pretty quickly and in my family opening presents takes quite awhile because our Mom always goes overboard!!!

Jeff was in charge of photos that morning....go figure

He was asleep by the time we were finished, so I didn't get a photo of him with all his presents.

He loved the dogs. Ha! But the dogs probably loved him more. I didn't realize how many of his treats that don't actually make it into his mouth until there were no dogs at my Mom's house then I realized how many ended up on the floor. 

It snowed!!! One day while were all there for only a few hours and it was gone just as quickly as it started. I made Jeff go out in his pj's and it was a good thing we did because if we would have waited we would have missed it!

We had such a great time while we were in Indiana. Jeff left a few days before we did, so we missed him. Maddox got sick towards the end of the trip, but I think that was to be expected. Just a cold, no biggie. He got waaaay off his schedule, but again, to be expected, and it seems like every time I think we're on a schedule it changes so who cares! While we had a great time we were happy to get home (to our high 70 degree weather) to Daddy and Lily. 

A few more random cell phone pics....

Modeling another Christmas present from Uncle Mark and Aunt Jackie

 Napping on Uncle Mark

Watching videos of himself with Aunt Angie and Granny. He LOVES to do this by the way....

Staying up waaaay too late!